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Episode 20: "Feet," featuring Sophia Zupanc


Inspired by her personal and professional experiences, Sophia Zupanc is currently travelling the world as a Thomas J. Watson Fellow to investigate the question "What is palliative care and why does it matter?" Her Watson project is called “Dispatches from Death: Exploring How We Die.”  In this episode, we talk about Sophia's experiences as a lesbian, cisgender woman traveling the world talking to people about death.


You can learn more about Sophia's travels on her website, You can follow her on Twitter at @SophiaZupanc 

Episode 21: "The What's Up Nod," featuring Cameron C.

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Cameron C. is a first-year resident physician in Internal Medicine at the University of Washington. He is also a bisexual, transgender, Iranian-American man. In this episode, we talk about Cameron's experiences as both a healthcare professional and a recipient of healthcare. You can find Cameron on Twitter at @eponymics.

Episode 22: "Room for Feedback," featuring Kait Sanchez

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Kait Sanchez is a self-described queer, autistic, disabled person of color who is "just trying to survive both grad school and whatever curse has been put on their family." Her research interests focus on trans healthcare disparities and the inclusion of trans-specific topics in medical education curricula. In this episode, we talk about Kait's work as a standardized patient and about his interactions with healthcare professionals after a sexual assault. You can find Kait on Twitter at @crisp_red and on Medium at

Episode 23: "Kate," featuring Kate Wolovsky


Kate describes themself as "a genderqueer, disabled clinician, sex therapist, and clinical research fellow at the Kinsey Institute Trauma Stress Research Consortium at Indiana University, specializing in disability, trauma, sexuality from the perspective of healthcare professionals and the people they serve, under the watchful nose of ADA service dog, Lucy."  In this episode we talk about  multiple sclerosis, loud sex in mom's house, privacy during the pandemic, waterproof blankets, and much, much more. You can find Kate on Twitter at @DisabledDuo.

Episode 24: "Unicorns," featuring Claire Rudy Foster


Foster describes themself as a queer, nonbinary, trans person in recovery who is a writer and a parent.  The author of critically-acclaimed short story collection Shine of the Ever, Foster talks in this episode about what it's like to interact with healthcare professionals as a trans person in recovery. To learn more about Foster's work, visit You can find Foster on Twitter at @crf_pdx.

Episode 25: "Boxes," featuring Josh Mugele


Josh Mugele describes himself as an Emergency Medicine physician, father, and human being. In this episode we talk about identities (both fixed and fluid) and what it's like to interact with healthcare professionals as an educator, advocate, parent, patient, and peer. We discuss the challenges and opportunities of having a strong social media presence and we explore the strengths and limitations of medical education as currently conceptualized.  You can find Josh on Twitter at @jmugele.

Episode 26: "The Long Walk," featuring Adam Hill

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Adam Hill describes himself as "a proud man, husband, father in addiction recovery who works to change the culture of stigma, shame, fear and retribution surrounding seeking assistance for mental health & addiction care." He is the author of the deeply personal memoir, Long Walk Out of the Woods: A Physician’s Story of Addiction, Depression, Hope and Recovery. In this episode, we talk about what it's like to seek and receive treatment for a substance use disorder as a physician. You can find Adam on Twitter at @Adamhill1212.

© 2017-2020 by Kimberly Acquaviva 

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